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Video Testimonials

Video Testimonial is a Revolutionary Cutting-Edge App Automatically Collects Video, Audio & Text Testimonials to Massively Boost Sales for ANY Business… And Displays Videos In Emails To Drive Traffic & Clicks.

Did You Know? 2 out of 3 people would be more likely to buy something after seeing a video testimonial from a previous customer. 77% of those who have seen a testimonial video about a product or service say that it has motivated them to make a purchase. Adding testimonial videos to your landing page, increases conversion rate by 80%. Showcasing one single video testimonial on the check-out page increases sales by 32%. And What About Combining the Power of Video Testimonials with Emails? Attaching a video in an email can lead to a 200-300% increase in CTR. Using the word “video” increases open rates by 19%, CTR by 65%, and cuts the number of unsubscribes by 26%. 54% of email subscribers prefer emails with videos.

Ladies and Gentlemen the Video Testimonials Era Is Here. Increasing Traffic, Leads and Sales Through the Roof, Like No Other Marketing Strategy Would Ever Do for You. Why Are Video Testimonials the Highest Converting Tools of TODAY’s Marketing? Customer testimonials have been very popular among marketers for a long time because of its high converting power. The modern approach of this practice, which are video testimonials, is taking its effectiveness and converting power to levels never seen before.